Kenya Mobile and Internet Subscriptions and Usage Stats according to the Latest CCK Report

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The Communications Commission of Kenya (CCK) has released the latest statistics for Kenya’s  mobile usage and subscribers for the last quarter. The  period covered is between July to September 2011:

Here is the summary:

Mobile Subscribers

  • Mobile  phone subscribers increased to 26.4 million from 25.3 million , representing  4.8 percent increase.
  • Land lines decreased 5.19 per cent to stand at 355,493 from 374,942 .
  •  Phone density for the country now stands at 68.2 per cent from 65.15 per cent.
  • Safaricom Subscribers increased by 593, 177  to 17,946,363 from 17,352,186.
  • Airtel  Subscribers increased by 557,567  to 4,172,186 from 3,614,619.
  • Yu subscribers  increased by 46,742  to 1,629,289  from 1,582,947.
  •  Orange saw an increase of 16,686 subscribers to stand at 2,745,702 subscribers from 2,729,016.
  • Market share :Safaricom 67.7%  Airtel 15.7 %  Orange 10.4% and Yu  6.2%

Mobile Money

  • Mobile money subscriptions increased by  5.9%  to 18,414,667 from 17,394,727
  • Money deposits grew 17.5 per cent to 56,704 million Ksh from 48,270 million.


  • Internet subscriptions  stood at 5.42 million from 4.25 million
  • Estimated internet users 14.3 million  from 12.53 million users.
  • Broadband subscriptions increased to 126,589 from 121, 126 .
  •  Broadband subscriptions represent 2.33 per cent of Internet subscriptions.
  • International bandwidth grew  from 32,270.52 Mbps to 213, 048.83 Mbps.
  • Internet market share: Safaricom  79.45% , down from 84.17 per cent , Airtel  8.49 %,  down from 11.66%,  Orange 2.15 % from 2.89 %, plus others…just to know them Kenya Data Networks, Access Kenya, Wananchi (Zuku), Swift Global , Iway , Flexible Bandwidth , Internet Solutions and CallKey networks.

Postal Service

  • Postal service declined by 15.21% in number of letters sent in the three month period  to 20.51 million from 24.26 million.
  • International mail however increased by 50 per cent from 1.81 million letters to 2.72 million.

Full Report here

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  • I see safcom still leading by a very big percentage. nice job

    Njeri Ndungu January 6, 2012 14:27