Virtual City to demonstrate Hewani AppStore for the Developers Community at iHub

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Great Monday…Virtual City today will engage the developers community at iHub on their just launched Hewani Appstore –

Virtual Live will demonstrate an ecosystem where developers, producers of products & services, Telco’s and financial instruments can come together and work more efficiently and effectively through the power of the mobile handset.

The Hewani Appstore according to Virtual City will bring together the more than 4000+ mobile developers spread across Kenya developing apps across various technologies such as USSD, Windows J2ME, android, Symbian & SMS and will integrate the mobile apps created by the developers into numerous payment systems and hence create value & sustainability for all in the chain

Be at iHub
Bishop Magua Center

Today Monday, December 5, 2011 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM (GMT+0300)

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  • i like your passion.Kep it up! Dr.Okoth ochola-Thika

    Stephen Okoth Ochola January 21, 2012 11:39