Wezesha Laptops initiative came to an end, Students please move on

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The interest on the Wezesha laptops has been highest on this blog for many months since this post was written. We have had students calling, emails, sms, and comments but now the initiative came to an end. Most students are still wondering whether the Government will open it again. Not sure.

The laptop initiative was  funded by the World Bank and implemented by The Kenya ICT Board under the Kenya Transparency and Communications Infrastructure Project (TCIP), as part of a  component to implement the Computers for the Communities Initiative.

Unless the World Bank becomes generous again, the initiative is over like forever. So my dear students, get another way to acquire laptops. Thanks


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  • cant they do it on mobile boss:-) esp a Nokia

    Oyolla October 4, 2011 10:20
  • Great idea, since most website access in Kenya is through mobile phones. The ict board should replicate what they did with laptop initiative to mobile phones initiative..and Yeah Nokia it is..I will definitely share this with Kaburo and Kukubo

    Kachwanya October 4, 2011 10:36
  • suppose i have an expired voucher which had not been used cant they process it for to acquire a laptop?

    Wanyonyi N Benard October 31, 2011 10:47