MedAfrica from Kenya listed among the top 10 favorite startups from the DEMO 2011 Conference

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When they became top at the Pivot 25 demo in Nairobi, we had them broke it down here for us. But that was from small pond, Medkenya now MedAfrica, a product of Shimba Technologies Limited, has scored big during 20th annual DEMO Conference held  in Santa Clara, CA, USA.  Thenextweb has listed MedAfrica among the  10 top companies from the 2011 DEMO Conference worth a closer look.

There are 40 million people in Kenya, and only 7,000 doctors nationwide. There’s too much knowledge locked up in too few heads, as co-founder Mbugua Njihia quipped from the stage during his presentation. Their app helps to narrow this knowledge gap in many important ways. And while smart phone penetration is steadily rising throughout Kenya and Africa as a whole, the real power comes from medAfrica’s ability to deliver health information to remote areas through the use of SMS.

What works in Africa can work anywhere, in terms of scale and internationalization, and the team believes that if they can reach 200 million downloads, at $10 of revenue per customer per year, they will be a billion-dollar company within five years.

Check out @Mbuguanjihia at his best during the Demo with the support of the founder of Shimba Technologies LTd @Smutinda


Well done guys

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  • I am doing a research project on social entrepreneurship in sub-saharan Africa. Who is the contact for this organization and where can I get more information. my email is [email protected]  

    Kelechi Edozie-Anyadiegwu September 18, 2011 20:15
  • Hi. You can contact [email protected] or [email protected].

    MedAfrica September 19, 2011 14:06
  • I have sent you email address of Steve Mutinda

    Kachwanya September 19, 2011 14:07