Jumuika-SMS Mobile Advertising Platform

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Jumuika is an opt-in (permission-based) mobile advertising platform where adverts are delivered via SMS and MMS. The platform allow the users to send free SMS but attach the ad at the end of the user’s message. If for example the sms is :

Sorry i am in a meeting, i will call back later

The receiver of the message will get something like:

Sorry i am in a meeting, i will call back later>> Kachwanya.com is selling nice Phones

Kachwanya.com is selling nice Phones, being the ad attached to the message. In short it is free to the users while the advertisers pay for the ad attachment.

Majority of the mobile phone users in Kenya own feature phones. With that, the only form of mobile marketing one can do in such is through SMS. It is said that SMS is typically read within an average of 15 minutes after receipt, and responded to within 60 minutes. I think it is a great way to reach the masses, but first we have to check if the Jukuika has them.

[pullquote]Jumuika  is owned and operated by Jumuika Media solutions, a company based in Kenya. Jumuika Media solutions provides technology-based marketing solutions to small and large organizations within East Africa[/pullquote]

How does Jumuika attract and maintain the Users?

Members of Jumuika receive monetary incentives for each advert they receive. These incentives are sponsored by advertisers. This is done through two ways:

One, by agreeing to receive the ads on your phone. To do that you need to register on the Jumuika platform. The registration process is simple, enter your phone number,select your interests and preferences, then finally you get the activation code..and you are good to go.

The second way is  by utilizing multilevel marketing format. In other words you can also earn by referring your family and friends to the site.

The Jumuika earnings which is referred to as J cash  is as follows:

  • Get 30 points for each SMS/MMS Ad you receive.
  • Get 20 points for each SMS/MMS Ad your friends receive.
  • Get 10 points for each SMS/MMS Ad their friends receive.


The following are the ways with which the members can redeem their earnings.

  • airtime transfer to the members phones
  • Airtime topup
  • Shopping vouchers
  • Mobile coupons
  • Bank cheques
  • Mpesa and ZAP
  • Donations to charity

What else?

Jumuika members get to stay informed of various events, discounts, and latest news in their specific areas of interest and from locations near them while Jumuika advertisers are able to deliver their brands to a targeted audience.

Final Word:

I know  majority of Kenyan mobile phone users are not thrilled when they constantly get ad messages through the sms. They consider that spamming, and i have seen most people complaining to the mobile phone network operators like Safaricom to stop such.  But that is usually purely ad messages, i am not sure on the reaction of the people when the ad is part of the message form friends and family members. I did a random check with a few friends and most of them don’t mind receiving the ads.


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  • I dont think I would mind a slight extension to the text that I would otherwise will still recieve, thats the beauty of it, it aint spamming, plus its permission based, unlike others that sniff your number from elsewhere and spam you, you have to again spend money to unsubscribe.
    Good work Jumuika!

    @martingicheru September 5, 2011 09:15
  • Great post Kach,  I think this is the future of SMS where declining traffic is projected in person2person messaging but person2app traffic will keep SMS relevant for years to come. (In this case the “app” part that automatically inserst relevant advertising messages appear to make the entire enterprise possible).  I agree with martin that the secret is to find tolerant balance between utility and noise.  I wish them well .  . .

    Brian Puckett September 7, 2011 20:42
  • Looks like I have competition

    Nick Hargreaves September 22, 2011 06:55