VPmeetup- 10 Conclusions

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For sometime now Kenyan politicians have been getting the taste of social media and i must say some of them have become actual experts on it. The top on the list is Martha Karua. She #getit. So this week we had two very high profile meetup with PM and VP.  I have little info  about the dinner with the PM  since i was not among the tweeps who attended it but our  very own great @Msupastar covered it here nicely. God bless that lady.

Whether it was copied or original, the VP meetup was a great idea. Why? Despite their great influence, majority of the people who attended the meetup are not the type who go for political rallies. So this was a chance  for the VP to meet and interact with some of the great future leaders (the boring  cliche) of this country. But that is where the beauty of the whole meetup ends.. At the VP meetup, i realized  that although social media is a great tool for communication, politicians  are still at lost on how to maximize its potential.  Here are my Conclusions:

  • No formal Speeches.

When you name it Vpmeetup, it starts to sound like tweetup, such gathering organized through twitter should have the tweetup feel not political rally feel. A “Tweetup” comes from the Twitter-world and it is people who meet up in person from their Twitter relationship.  It is amazing how the twitter hard cores know each other virtually through the hundles but not face to face. VPMeetup was the chance for Kalanzo to connect with the tweeps on a personal level and not give the speech which they are used to see on political arenas…

#Word1… to hell with formal speeches..

  • On that note

The Vpmeetup just like a tweetup was not just a networking event. People who attended meetup are very active on social media. They have their own network of connections, communities and influencers who they actively spend time communicating with. All that Kalonzo needed was to give them one memorable experience worth sharing. Something out of blue moon…I guess VP #Failed there..Mmmhh

  •  No protection by  the moderators.

Of course the VP should have his body guards and the security should be taken care of but that is not what i am talking about here.  Controlling who to ask questions and not allowing enough time for that..is bad idea.  One question i have to the organizers and the VP himself is:  Why in the  first place would he want to meet 100 tweeps  and only allow 3 tweeps to ask questions ?  Get it from the VP’s son

  • Still on the moderation..

Why ask the questioner a question… i mean  why ask @sickolia a question before he asks his own questions? Are you trying intimidate him or what?  It was clear that @Toneendungu was trying to protect VP from hard and sensitive questions.. if that is case then  the whole idea of VPmeetup was a big waste of time..

  • There is a Swahili saying which goes, “Chema cha jiuza, kibaya cha jitembeza” meaning a good thing sells itself and a bad one is advertised.

In my life i find politicians interesting lot, there are no time they will say they have failed and may be need to do more.  One of the burning questions asked at the VPMeetup is what are some of his achievements, having been in the Government for more than 20 plus years. In Kenya we can remember Tom Mboya for Sessional Paper 10, Joe Donde for Donde Bill, Njoki Ndungu for Sexual Offences bill, Michuki for Michuki Rules. So what will you remember Kalanzo for for?  Instead of answering that question VP became defensive , saying that he has been in Cabinet and therefore can’t bring a bill in Parliament like Njoki Ndungu… Oooooh did i mention Michuki up there, he was the minister for Transport when he reigned on the chaotic matatu industry through Michuki rules. We miss him….can somebody get his senses back and return him to the Transport ministry!!!

  • Social Media is a Tool for Communication

One of the question asked was from someone from Ukambani, and basically it was about the fact that everything down there is being marketed as done or brought by Charity Ngilu.  Too bad for VP, it is one thing in the national stage if people can’t see his achievements but it is worst if people from his backyard can’t see them too.

Now if it is true that VP has done a lot but the problem is lack of communication then he has the greatest tool ever in the name of social media to  communicate all that. ..

  • How to do it?

Instead of trying to sound like youth..#Stevo or something, start by posting the videos, blogs, genuine pictures and articulate the issues to the Kenyan people.  I find it funny that politicians think that the way to connect with the youth is to try to speak like them or call yourself some funny names. Jeeeeez I remember even in campus or high school people who get elected to serious leadership positions are not the ones who bounce right and center or wear shorts on their knees but the normal serious and focused people.. #Befocused!

  • Youth Issues..

Whenever i think of the youth issues, i remember:- “Our youth are not failing the system; the system is failing our youth. Ironically, the very youth who are being treated the worst are the young people who are going to lead us out of this nightmare.”  Rachel Jackson.

So what are these youth issues? Just by the mere fact that a politician is on twitter or Facebook does not mean he or she is solving the youth issues. Talking sheng or something like that  when election is nearing does not help any young person. What helps is solid policy to create jobs, wealth and a better life.

In the same line, youth also should realize that politicians are lost course, instead of asking what the politicians have for the youth,  they should start asking what they themselves have for themselves.  I hope that make sense and you get the flow…

  •  Social part of Social Media

The VP forgot the  ‘social’ part of social media.  The young people on Twitter, Facebook  and  in real life don’t want to see someone who is just out to market himself or defend failures.  If young people think you are a Kigeugeu, try to change their minds although  i am not sure how to do that.  The meetup was a chance for the tweeps to find out more about the VP , and where he stands on the most dificult questions.  Chance blown off…

  • @Toneendungu might end up being a dictator in future… ooops, i did not say that . My account has been hacked.
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  • Lol! I like this piece Kachwanya. I feel that politicians have the same sickness that Corporates had a couple of years back before the likes of Bata and Safaricom took Social Media seriously. They will be surprised when the next election brings suprise winners from Social Media. If you meet SK ask him to start by reading this article on The Kenyan Politician’s guide to Twitter ;) http://www.intervangelist.info/?p=121

    Muriu Alex September 3, 2011 11:02
  • This article is full of grammatical errors and makes it hard to read

    Mwauramuriuki September 3, 2011 12:23
  • I hope they will learn..and for 2012 they need to do it fast

    Kachwanya September 3, 2011 13:11
  • Thanks..checking the errors

    Kachwanya September 3, 2011 13:12
  • I think you have dissected this very well, not only for Kalonzo but also for the future politicos who would wish to have meet-ups with tweeps. Problem is, they never learn.

    mmnjug™ September 3, 2011 15:19
  • And the people who advice them…

    Kachwanya September 3, 2011 18:45
  • Thanks Kach for the analysis. I speak here as the organizer and the person behind the #VPmeetup concept. I agree with you that @Toneendungu:twitter ended up hijacking most of the questions and interrupting the VP. Well, lessons learned include the fact that we shall either need more time for such events or narrow down the people who attend so that each person in it gets a chance to participate. It was a great first time and trust me, you will see more of these events with the VP and I will consult even deeper to achieve an absolute goal. On the other hand, we are putting together a list of the VP’s achievements so that even if he doesn’t blow his own horn, his CV is clear.

    Thanks again for the insight.

    Anonymous September 4, 2011 04:49
  • He has the right advisers and we are working with the people. He WILL listen and learn. Trust me on this one.

    Anonymous September 4, 2011 04:51
  • Great, i knew, it is hard to get it right for the first time, but i liked that it was done and truth  be told, not too bad. The crowd was not too friendly but i guess that is the part where the VP should take as a challenge and get a way to cleanup his perceived image 

    Kachwanya September 4, 2011 05:09
  • Great to hear that..

    Kachwanya September 4, 2011 05:10
  • Well put. This was actually a very eye opening event, but it did less to impress me. This sort of thing needs less moderation and more openness as it would allow for a flexible conversation. In some cases it felt like an extended history lesson, and I contributed, but I was impressed that Kalonzo actually popped up, and that the security guys did not go grabbing my balls checking for weapons. In the end, Kalonzo needs to speak more about the factuals and less about the achievements. Good work speaks for itself.

    Anonymous September 6, 2011 08:49