Tuvitu is a mobile application from Shimba Technologies that allows users to access a wide variety of content through content-rich mini applications called widgets available on the phone platform.
In regards to user Tuvitu is fulfilling the need for personalized mobile internet experiences by eliminating the need to launch a secondary browser and offering the content via widgets instead.
You still wondering what this widget business is about? Yeah me too, and here is some explanation from Wikipedia:
A widget is a stand-alone application that can be embedded into third party sites by any user on a page where they have rights of authorship (e.g. a webpage, blog, or profile on a social media site). Widgets allow users to turn personal content into dynamic web apps that can be shared on websites where the code can be installed. For example, a “Weather Report Widget” could report today’s weather by accessing data from the Weather Channel, it could even be sponsored by the Weather Channel. Should you want to put that widget on your own Facebook profile, you could do this by copying and pasting the embed code into your profile on Facebook.
Ok, let say you want to get your tech news via Kachwanya.com widget, instead of going direct to the web browser you get Kachwanya.com widget on your mobile phone. This will allow you to access Kachwanya.com content via the widget. In other words Widgets may be looked upon as downloadable applications which look and act like traditional apps but are implemented using web technologies.
To have the content on the platform, Tuvitu enters into partnership with content providers in order to distribute their content. Tuvitu offers content providers a channel to disseminate their content and thus access a wide number of mobile phone users.
Furthermore, Tuvitu redirects users of the platform to the content provider’s site when the user accesses the content on the widget. Tuvitu currently has over 40,000 unique users and this number is still growing. Tuvitu also provides content providers with analytics to gauge how well their content is being received. This service is offered to content providers for free.
Tuvitu intends to monetize via advertising and white labeling i.e developing applications on Tuvitu for organizations for instance a bank would have an application that allows individuals to check their bank balances, check progress of cheque clearing among others.The mobile platform is also free for users and is available on the Nokia Ovi store or m.