location based checkin service

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New Kenyan Foursquare? Naah, NikoHapa might be based  on the same concept as FourSquare but generally has its  own unique points. location based checkin service- – it is both QR and SMS app. The basic phone owners can check in using sms.  And there is NikoHapa rewards or Loyalty schemes based on users checking in to use a given service a number of times. For example 1 free coffee for every 9 checkins or a ticket for your partner for every 5 checkins. The people using NikoHapa are able to keep track of number of visits to a certain merchant from their mobile phones. For Businesses, NikoHapa give them chance to convert one-time customers into loyal customers by offering them special reward  .

Quick one on a QR.. A QR code (abbreviated from Quick Response code) is a specific matrix barcode (or two-dimensional code) that is readable by dedicated QR readers, smartphones, and, to a less common extent, computers with webcams. The code consists of black modules arranged in a square pattern on a white background. The information encoded may be text, URL, or other data. what else can you do with NikoHapa?

NikoHapa Analytics.

From the analytics the business owner get to know who are his/her most loyal customers and  how often do they visit. You also get to knowabout which other business is pupular with their customers.

NikoHapa Buzz.

Customer check-ins, comments and recommendations can be posted online, shared through the pupular social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook.

Checkin via SMS

Send a standard rate SMS to 6775 with the code written on your checkin card

Checkin via the BARCODE

Scan the QR code, which will automatically generate the SMS.

Select your phone to see free QR Reader apps that work well with NikoHapa.

How to Sign up

You don’t have to! The first time you checkin with your phone, they will create an account for you and give you a temporary pass…

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