Sometime i sit down and wonder how long the tv sets going to be around. With the internet, the Tv sets are facing their death in the next few years. Take for example the live streaming of the events and news. So this morning i found myself not able to access any tv set to watch the proceedings from Hegue of the Ocampo6 , naturally i turned to my army of online friends. Not just online but ones on twitter, they are the best. And the links came in flying thanks to @hapeeg @elkingsprx @denniskioko @alexkamiru @irichieus @mashinc @luchirio @AndrewKinai
@Kainvestor and one bure kabisa friend bwana @jwesonga.
I spent my time watching the ICC court session and working at the same time on my computer. Huh, who said men can’t multitask!
Anway, from the links i found out that almost every Kenyan media house was no longer vague and was live streaming the Hegue.
Citizen TV :
Of all the above, believe it or not, the best to me was KBC in terms of the quality of the sound. At least through that i heard clearly Mr. Kosgey speak, telling charges about the judges against him! Heheehe Mr.Kosgey “judges” and “charges” which is which?
So what is live streaming anyway?
It is broadcasting a video and/or audio stream through the internet, live. It is also called video streaming or webcasting.
Why do it?
Live Streaming eliminate costly studios and Leverage existing technology investment. Just imagine the investment that cable tvs like CNN have made to get the global audience! Guess what, our humble WestFM through internet live streaming has the same capability to match CNN in terms of reach.
How about the contents?.
To say the truth i think we are a country drunk with politics.
I am not sure if it is a real competition to get the public the best of political news between the media houses or we genuinely a country high on something! Even if you bring the logic that the country is run through the political process and therefore politics has to be our bread and butter, the media houses are overdoing it. Politics in the morning, politics at lunch, politics in the evening. Kenya is officially a country of all Politics all the Time.
The following my Top Issues coverage wish list:
1. Business (40%) : You see, with business, you are working towards putting the food on the table of wanjiku. We talking about real issues affecting the ordinary Kenyans like employment, food prices, inflation, stocks, forex, running a business,
2. Technology(30%) : I love technology, it makes the world go round. Yeah, i know about the money but i tell you technology is the real deal.
3. Sports (20%): Sports, have you ever seen a grown man crying coz his favorite Politician has lost an election? Naaah but come to football and you will get used to that….Gor vs AFC leopards or Arsenal vs ManU
4. Politics (less than 10%) … Finally…something useless to talk about.
Sorry to say but yes Kenya T.V broadcasting is really boring, politics, politics and again politics, out of 10 only 1 programme is watchable. our local TV is BORING!!!!! out!
Amen…boring and boring. I don’t know why media houses think that the only thing Kenyans like is politics
Most kenyans love there country not politics
KBC – Kenya’s Boring Channel – LOL
point…it is high time media houses get that ..