If you are regular here then you know we have been using IntenseDebate commenting system. Apparently some of our readers have been having a problem commenting. We decided to try out another commenting system Disqus. Comments are too important to risk using an unreliable system. We will try it out for sometime and then make a decision after that. If you are still having a problem commenting please drop us a line at [email protected].
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Thinking about moving from IDB to Disqus, what features does it offer that Intense doesn’t. Also, can you respond to comments directly at Disqus without having to get back to the site? I see that it has rel=’nofollow’ on comment links, is there an option for enabling dofollow?
Anyhow, just like to know how you compare what you have now and what you had b4
Intense debate is great discussion and come out conclusion and summary. There are commenting system occur important of risk.
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