Business and Lifestyle online Magazine for Kenyan Ladies

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Information is power and power is everything.  This is a fact many people take for granted but at the end, they learn the hard way.  In business world having or not having the right information or awareness at any given time might means gaining or losing. Making profit is just as easy as having the right information at the right time. The biggest obstacle is always where , how and when the right information is available. It is what most people referred to as an opportunity. So a few days ago I discovered information sharing point for young Kenyan women. Ok, the right description should be a solution for empowering women to stimulate awareness on the level of potential that they have to become successful in life.

The newly launched Lady Entrepreneur is an authoritative Business and Lifestyle online Magazine. May be it is too early to call it authoritative for now but I think it has a great potential.  The goal of the publication is to stimulate awareness on the level of potential that young women have to become successful in life by providing a platform and support system that allows them to network, interact and share not only life’s basic lessons but also business ideas guaranteed to take them to the next level.

Janet Kibuthu, the lady behind the publication had this to say “The magazine was born out of a need for young women like myself, to free themselves from employment, start their own successful business and become financially stable.”

“I therefore created an online community and resource centre hoping to start the right conversations with like-minded women about business and life,” she added.  “With time, members of the group needed a real one on one opportunity to learn and grow together – in one word – mentorship”

The group had a successful inaugural business workshop session lead by Ann Gichana of Regnum  Investments. The participants  were not disappointed as Ms Gichanga gave a great talks on Financila Planning for Financial Freedom.   And they are not stopping there. Lady Entrepreneur plans to host five more similar workshops by years’ end with each workshop focusing on a different element of growth for the group’s members. New subscribers can sign up to receive the publication directly in their mail boxes every month and download current issues on

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