Really Google!!..translation of the word “stupidity” from English to Swahili is “Women”?
So the person who did this must be the so called experts, probably in both languages. Should be fired.
Translation fixed ..From google on twitter
@googleafrica: @tovutisanifu @Ramah_Nyang @crazynairobian @jmwaikinyio @ItsJustAwesome Translation error now fixed. Thanks for your feedback.
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however its not completely fixed yet :P try the reverse. Translate women from Swahili to English. its shows up "stupidity" !! lol
The reverse is also fixed now
now translate evil from english to italian
this seems to be an error. see this link:
cool link
Languages Pro is to become the most trusted translation agency to provide quality focused translation services and interpreting resources in the shortest time possible to all of their clients.
Ooops! didn’t know about that, seems even the biggest of companies have bugs in their systems