Waving for the Last Time

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For the last time i am logging to Google wave for the old time sake to  say bye to the Wave. Google has decided to pull the plug on the Wave and I think Google buzz might be next. Despite the disappointments Wave was a great platform which many people thought was destined to change completely  how people communicate through email.

According to Google blog

But despite these wins, and numerous loyal fans, Wave has not seen the user adoption we would have liked. We don’t plan to continue developing Wave as a standalone product, but we will maintain the site at least through the end of the year and extend the technology for use in other Google projects

At first I thought it was going be a big hit, with people trying all the tricks they could muster to get the invites. But after getting the invites people found a very complex system that they could not explained to their friends. Lesson learned, invites only should not be left to run so long.  May be they should also have kept it simple than it is.

On top of the above they should have modeled it to work as hybrid system which allow people to use it as email account  and Wave at the same time.  Some sort of extension to process IMAP email accounts on top of Waving. In that if one does not have anybody to wave at, it can be used as email account. I tried several times to send emails to the Wave and they kept on bouncing.

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