Kenyan made search Engine is surprisingly very close to Bing in search Capability

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After reading about, a Kenyan search engine developed by 3 KCA University students , i tried  to find out how good it is in terms of search results. Ok, first there is issue of the name, some tweeps commented that the name is a bit strange and might not capture the imagination of many people like Google.

Google has dominated the search engine for sometime and with such a force that challenging it seems to be like wasting time. The likes of WolframAlpha, Cuil  came, hyped and then disappeared. One search engine which has had steady market share growth since it was launched is Bing, standing at 12.1% in May according to comScore data. Guess what the search results for is so close to that shown by Bing that it really surprised me.

I was a bit full of myself and took  time to search for my name kachwanya, mmh i know  but i don’t think i am abnormal to do  that, once in a while people Google their names, right?  Did i say google?  Yeah somehow the word google has become some sort of a verb when referring to searching for something on the internet.

Exactly how a particular search engine’s algorithm works is a closely-kept secret but just look at this  direct comparison between  Google, Bing, Yahoo search and of course Irozho

IrozhoShowing results 110 out of 2,030 for kachwanya

Bing1-10 of 2,080 results for kachwanya

Google—About 29,400 results (0.22 seconds) for kachwanya

Yahoo21,700 results for kachwanya:

Looking at the results; Bing returns 2080 while Irozho returns 2030, while Google is far much ahead of the two with 29,400 followed by yahoo with 21,700. But that is not the intriguing part, which is found on the contents of the search results.  The first ten outcome of Bing and Irozho is almost identical , actually they are the same. The similarity continues to page two and even three of both search engines. Take a look at the first page on the two search engines:



bing results

bing results

I tried  more different words and phrases and the same pattern continues. Go on and try comparing the two, using other words or phrases and tell me your outcome

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  • I agree , they still need to work on several aspect of it

    By the way i am not sure of the meaning of that name..irohzo but it sounds like kikuyu.. Most famous brands around the world started with names which at first made no sense but later on became global names. Personally i would not say the name would limit them, i just think it depends on how they market it

    kachwanya June 30, 2010 07:31
  • I have checked it out , and the funny thing it looks almost exactly like, how now? Anyway it is great to see Kenyans coming out with new internet projects.

    kachwanya June 30, 2010 07:34
  • haha!! no disrespect but there is no innovation or engineering work done here. It's just a custom search engine anybody can buy and customize from here!!
    Next time kachwanya you also need to do some homework!

    @smartemwa June 30, 2010 08:58
  • Actually there is no homework to be done there. Just click on the copy right button at the bottom and you find the link to where they bought the scripts. The following was my twitter reply yesterday to @kihahu regarding the yeah i had done my research boss.
    @kihahu You are right, the script found here powered by rozads services #irozho 10:37 AM Jun 29th via web in reply to kihahu

    That still bring me to one question, did Bing buy the same scripts too and why do we think Bing is genius work while not giving the same credit to local lads? At the same time do people have to do it from scratch for it to make sense or do users want something that work for them and do they really care?

    At the end it is good to have some intense engineering work in Kenya but i don't think people have to invent the wheel all the time.

    kachwanya June 30, 2010 12:49
  • You need to learn some that no great technologies work with some controversy.The guy who came up with facebook copied Friend uconnect,.The guys who created the Google as it is only improved on the search engine of the inkotomi and they later copied copied the adword sytstem from some guys .I can tell you many examples about great technology that became successfull because of technology.Lets give this guys achance

    ksteve September 5, 2010 13:35
  • this is a great undertaking.i appreciate this.

    pascal February 4, 2011 14:16
  • help me contact irozho owners.I have been trying to get their contacts for almost a year now but av been unscuccessful.I own a couple of website like,,,,, be removing that thing soon so that it remains .com.I need to contact them really soon so that i can initiate a certain program with them.My email is [email protected] or [email protected]

    Loopsoftwares March 23, 2011 13:00
  • @kachwanya Thank you so much for the above statement. I am reading this after 4 straight years and your point still makes sense. All these big platforms, their ideas came from other original ideas, that they make better and more modular depending on their target audience. This is what happends at

    VibeCampo April 8, 2015 19:46