The following are my two different worlds, when in the office and when at home..
Home..Orange Modem..locally based server at Orange
Office..KDN connection…locally based server at KDN
After the first two comments on this post both of which suggested that i do another speed tests based on the servers in either US or Europe, i have decided to do exactly that and here is what i found out
Home..Orange Modem US based server
Office..KDN connection..US based server
See the differences?
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That is because the test server you are using is located at KDN, try selecting a sever in Europe and run the test
Yes, please pick a European or USA based server and show us the difference between the two. I get that these two differences are dramatic, but most content isn't on Kenyan servers.
I have done exactly as @artsim and @Wayan suggested. I am surprised with the difference shown by KDN connection on the local server vs the US server..huge. The Orange connection which i use at home does not indicate have a big difference..