Please Safaricom Stop spamming my Phone Inbox

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Dear Safaricom

I it is my humble request that you stop spamming my phone with your numerous offers.? I know you exist and i know that you want to sell everything in this world.? Everywhere i Look i can see you, whenever i turn my ears i can hear you and actually it has reached a point i can smell you. Yes you are in billboards, radios, newspapers, tv, internet and the list continues

I first accepted you in the year of our Lord 2002 and subcribed on your network. Since then i have remained loyal and steadfast despite the fact that many other mobile network operators have come in and many of my friends have moved away from you.? In that case i request that you leave my phone inbox alone. You see whenever i receive a message from you, i am forced to read it due to curiosity and thereafter i am forced to delete it. My big problem is? i don’t have time for this because i am trying to survive in Nairobi.? Unlike my email account which is also a victim of others, my phone has little space for anythting else apart from very important messages. I am not saying that your message is not important, it is only that i know you exist and i know what you are doing, the day that i will need it , you will see me on your door. Just like? the way i did with modem and i regularly do with Airtime.

I have been using my phone for all sorts of reasons and that is why it is important that I keep its memmory from unnecessary usage

1. Use it for storing memorable messages.

There some messages which worth a lifetime, i am fond of keeping them, i am unable to delete sweet messages from my girlfriend, and i assure you i am not planning to delete them, on top of that i need space for her to send more. I also? need more space for other wishes coming my way, like birthday, Vals, Easter, Good Nights . Very important that i get these messages

2. Use it for storing draft messages

It is rare that i carry a pen this days so, i am forced to save email contacts, numbers, important schedules, meeting dates on my phone. I need space for that

3. I use it to browse internet

I have to keep enough? memory free in order for me to browse internet successfully. Although i use the computer in the office to do this? most of the time, whenever i am on the road or trapped in the jam, my phone help me to catch up with the world. It is very important that? you understand this

4. Store Music,

You know very well that with constant blackouts in Kenya, my phone come to my rescue whenever KPLC? becomes moody. In such times i get back to my beloved phone to listen to music, so i need space to store enough variety

Thanks in advice for listening and i am looking forward to having peaceful year




  • Just what I was thinking. Your writing was unbelievable. To get back up with your ex is not the hardest of the accomplishments But it sure may cost some time

    Dee Messersmith September 20, 2010 04:59