Which is the Best University in Kenya?

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A question of which is the best University in Kenya will probably draw biased opinions depending on which college one went to or is in now. Historically? University of Nairobi being the oldest and with relatively well developed infrastructure gets the honors of being the best? University in Kenya . But there are people who can argue justifiably that there are a number of universities which can now lay claim to that title, and in particular Strathmore University



So this is how Kenyan universities are ranked? by Google ?according to GoogleCollegerankings\

  1. University of Nairobi
  2. Moi University
  3. Kenyatta University
  4. Maseno University
  5. Egerton University
  6. Strathmore University
  7. Maseno University
  8. Catholic University of Eastern Africa
  9. United States International University
  10. Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology

I? always think that JKUAT should be among the top ranked universities in Kenya but that seems not to be the case here and in many other rankings I have seen before .

Strathmore might feel short? changed here since it was the highest ranked university in Kenya, according to the January 2009 webometrics ranking of world universities. At position 12 in Africa, Strathmore was the highest ranked university outside Egypt and South Africa.

Strathmore and Catholic universities are based in Nairobi but have their domain names under .edu extensions instead of .ac.ke domain name extensions. According googlecollegerankings an automated system might mistakenly include them in U.S. rankings and exclude them from Kenyan rankings.



So which is the best University in Kenya?


  • I would say doing a general ranking like it has been done by google and webometrics overlooks many crucial details and is not helpful at all if the rankings are meant to help one make a decision on which university they should join. The better way would be ranking them in different areas of specialty say who are the best in Business studies, technology studies…. etc

    Samuel September 6, 2009 09:24
  • These rankings are like beauty contests: mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all. Having said that, web indicators are useful for ranking purposes as they capture many activities of professors and researchers.

    This is because they capture not only formal (e-journals, repositories) but also informal scholarly communication. Web publications are also accessible to more people thus have a larger audience, and offer access to other parties outside the academia like the media, policy makers, the business community.

    Joseph September 7, 2009 06:26
  • I think you are very right. Each University has its own strength in certain areas. Like for example when you talk about Medicine then the University of Nairobi is the king. If you talk about IT then we are thinking about Strathmore and JKUAT. If talk about Business School, then again University of Nairobi and Strathmore come to mind and so on

    kachwanya September 11, 2009 21:54
  • beauty contest..hehehe lol, but agree with you about the indicators

    kachwanya September 11, 2009 22:00
  • Ranking is based on many variables, but most important is faculty and resources; in terms of faculty University of Nairobi is ahead followed by Kenyatta University and Moi (badly affected by tribal conflicts); in terms of resources, Nairobi tops followed very closely bt Kenyatta University (very ambitious infrastructure program – i.e. 2nd biggest Library in Africa; 2nd Biggest referral hospital in Kenya), followed by Moi. Strathmore,USIU will not compare to this giants in terms of faculty and resources, probably when we consider use of Information Systems, then USIU, KU, strathnore rules!

    EddieG July 27, 2010 02:26
  • strathmore wins!………..take it or leave it!

    erick November 11, 2010 12:59
  • Reply:
    Isaac Muinde Kca Student

    Its a simple answer. To talk of best, should be tied to -best in what?. Best in indiscipline, Public universities lead with Uon in tops. Best in business courses Strathmore then Kca leads but Uon tops in Law, Medicine and a host of other courses. We should remember Ku leads in Education and Jkuat is a leader in technology.But above all the quality and discipline of the graduands is a major factor to consider since they are a product of same lecturers. We know Kenyan university lecturers teach part time in almost all universities locally.

    isaac muinde December 7, 2010 10:09
  • i think this weighing should be based on the quality of education from the different universities.what skills and tehnical expetise you gain and that is going to help you inreal working enviroment is key.i hate universities that offer sciences without the slightest idea what a laboratory is and calling them pioneers. on this note JKUAT, NAIROBI, K.U u r really on track

    patro February 6, 2011 12:31
  • check the new 2011 rankings

    myk February 10, 2011 13:25
  • law, medicine, uon. business, strathmore. technology is at its best at jkuat.

    newton March 14, 2011 17:10
  • moi is the best university in kenya because it offers quality education

    Swea July 21, 2011 10:03
  • Yea,Maseno is uprising and someday it will emerge the top.I like that.

    Nyanganihillary July 25, 2011 13:36
  • University of Nairobi is a joke!!!

     – lecturers don’t show up for class
     – the most recent books in the library for most majors are dated 1967

    Really, the fact is, this once good university went to the dogs – they only ride on their past glory

    Alex August 4, 2011 16:05
  • 4 sure it is.

    Anonymous August 8, 2011 15:14
  • How did Moi became # 2?

    Anonymous August 8, 2011 15:15
  • that isnt place 4 strathmore.mistaken

    Nyambatifrank December 2, 2011 07:07
  • jkuat has the latest technology in reading. i chose it and i can see its performance is perfectly in place. am not convinced ha? 

    amisi kevin January 30, 2012 15:59
  • jkuat has the latest technology in reading. i chose it and i can see its performance is perfectly in place. am not convinced ha? 

    amisi kevin January 30, 2012 15:59
  • I study at UON and it has quality education that i bet;it systems are way far from other campuses for example trimesters.

    Milliekendi February 24, 2012 15:31
  • One cannot argue the fact that the UON is the best in Kenya especially if you consider that it takes the top brains in Kenya especially during the JAB intake. I mean most courses like Engineering, law,medicine are being done by A students in this university whereas in other Universities you’ll find that a majority fall between A- and as low as C+. Despite all the challenges that we face as a public institution we still thrive to be the best in Africa (currently we are the best in EAST,CENTRAL&WEST AFRICA get that)

    Kerujames March 21, 2012 08:04
  • One cannot argue the fact that the UON is the best in Kenya especially if you consider that it takes the top brains in Kenya especially during the JAB intake. I mean most courses like Engineering, law,medicine are being done by A students in this university whereas in other Universities you’ll find that a majority fall between A- and as low as C+. Despite all the challenges that we face as a public institution we still thrive to be the best in Africa (currently we are the best in EAST,CENTRAL&WEST AFRICA get that)

    Kerujames March 21, 2012 08:04
  • All universities of Kenya are useless especially UON

    ABRAHAM February 11, 2013 13:35
  • I keep saying this, Webometrics is not a metric for quality. It has
    never been. It just displays how visible on the web a university is,
    based on the academic and research material a school has on the web. So
    obviously the old schools with more faculties are bound to remain top in
    the rankings for a long time to come.
    Read this statement from Strathmore regarding the same https://www.facebook.com/StrathmoreUniversity/posts/635794236454915

    matrixster February 12, 2015 18:17
  • @kachwanya UoN is king in medicine? How good are our doctors compared with other areas on the globe?

    matrixster February 12, 2015 18:20