Around 40 Per cent of Twitter Messages are pointless babble

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A recent study by a? marketing firm Peer Analytics Group, found out that almost a half the tweets are pointless babble. Take a look at the following

1.Pointless babble tweets: The study has found out that around 40% of the tweets are pointless babble like “now making tea or I am sneezing” what? Well it make sense that people feel like sharing some mundane details of what they are doing. With the high use of social media, it is possible that the number of people actually keeping their thoughts in diaries are reducing, most people now detail their lives activities in social networking sites.

2. Conversational tweets, such as ?Morning Kenyan peeps?, came second at 37.55 per cent. Conversation tweets has bridged the gap that used to exists between the high and mighty and the low in the social status ranking. At the moment it is possible to interact directly with CEOs , movie stars, musicians, and even the politicians. There is chance that some of them might ignore the intended interactions but ideally most will not.

3. Pass-along a value or spreading news accounted for 8.7 per cent: Very important tweets which most people would not like to miss. They are? like the breaking news, which as we know it today are instant with social media. It is now acknowledge fact that social media has changed the way breaking news are reported,? something which has put the traditional media in red alert.

accounted for 5.85 per cent of tweets. Somehow you would have thought that this category would have accounted for the highest number of tweets but that is not the case. On personal level most people are happy with seeing a certain level of adverts but might not be happy being bombarded by adverts all the time.

accounted for the smallest tweets of all the categories at 3.6 per cent. Most people get irritated by spammers and it is great that recently twitter administrators taken upon themselves to reduce the number of spammers. The action has changed a great deal the number of twitter followers for many people.

Kenyan Corporate Members are now tweeting too

NSEKenya Twitter Page

NSEKenya Twitter Page

Away from what people are saying in twitter, there a number of companies in Kenya which are now using twitter in a regular basis. If you are a twitter member, it might be a good idea to follow the following notable companies in twitter:

@KenyaAirways: Even before their recent problems with the workers Kenya Airways has been active in twitter.
Sample tweet: The Strike by Kenya Airways staff is over.Departing flights to be announced as soon as they are boarding.

@NseKenya Very cool tweets. It is great to see NSE transforming itself to interactive investor friendly. After all it is a market in itself and people expects conversation in the market. Believe it or not NseKenya was the first to break the news of Safaricom acquiring the PAcket Stream Data Networks
Sample tweet: Safaricom set to acquire Packet stream Data networks subject to formal approval by CCK and Monopolies Commission. More info on NSE website

: If you are a fan of football, @DstvKenya is your friend. Get all the latest updates in the world of sports. There is no excuse of missing matches because you did not know when it is going to be played
Sample tweet: Chelsea vs Hull@2pm, Blackburn vs Man City@5pm and Everton vsArsenal@7pm…ALl on Supersport 3. The world’s biggest league is back!!!

@SeacomLive: It is not wrong to say that in Kenya Seacom has made good use of social media to interact with bloggers and social media users in general. The period before their launch and even after, they took upon themselves to converse with their followers.
Sample tweet: Since our launch, we’re getting positive feedback from our customers on the #Seacom product and quality of service. We’ve only just begun…

@k24tv: All Kenyan all the Time. Yes these guys are here too and they are doing a great job when come to breaking news and news updates
Sample tweet: John Cardinal Njue to launch the book ‘The Faith Explained’ today at 2.30pm at the Inter-Continental Hotel, Nairobi.

@NationMedia: The largest media house in East Africa has not been left behind when come to embracing the social media.
Sample tweet: Airline sacks striking workers as chaos reigns in airports

@Nairobistar: Although i have never understood why despite their high creativity in terms of technology they have never bothered to have a website, Nairobistar has some cool tweets and news links.
Sample tweet : Wire_2: Mubarak in White House talks: WASHINGTON, Aug 17 – Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak is set to mee..

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  • Kachwanya your site is too cool! Congrats.

    In my view, except the spammers, all others are welcome additions to complete the happy twitter family. Personally I'm wary of giving too many life details but that is not limited to twitter. Even in real life.

    shikomsa August 17, 2009 09:27
  • Good information here

    Hope we get a local twitter

    SME Network August 18, 2009 06:49
  • I don't like it when guys am following for sensible info result to "I am eating", "Great morning" might have to start unfollowing many. When I don't have something informative to say. I log off twitter, is it so hard for many?

    KenyanPoet August 18, 2009 08:31
  • Thanks Shiko

    Ok, me i think there some details which should be left for the diary if one must say it loud. BY the way not all the personal details people giving out are not informative but some are completely meaningless. Then the spammers, and those one who tell you that they have software to help you gain loads of followers in a single day. Actually i wonder why they did not compete with Ashton and CNN for the million followers mark in twitter if the software could help them gain huge amount of following in a single day

    kachwanya August 19, 2009 16:26
  • I think unfollowing them is a bit drastic coz people display a mixture of behaviors, sometime they are very serious and sometime they just say anything which come on their minds. On the same note, there others who have no value at all , in that case i don't think there is any alternative.

    kachwanya August 19, 2009 16:29
  • Thanks Sme Network, you are very welcome

    kachwanya August 19, 2009 16:30