Motorists flocked a Nairobi security firm to confirm if their vehicles had been fitted with security devices following a special KTN expos?. That is according Standard Newspaper online edition. Now there was something a miss here if the motorists were defrauded as the story goes then today we would be hearing so many complaints from the same motorists. But the funny thing is, only one person came out to say that his vehicle got lost some time back and has not been found since. Totally suggesting that the only claim he has that his vehicle had no track it gadget is coz it has not been found since.
This is the point where the CID needs to move in to investigate this scam issue immediately and come up with the real truth. A friend of mine inbox me earlier today saying that there is concern or rumors that the high ranking official of KTN /Standard has a car tracking company, meaning he/she is a direct competitor of Track IT.
Now look at this line from standard
The reports showed that some of the vehicles could be without the tracking gadgets even after the owners paid for the same. Motorists flocked the firm?s premises yesterday, to make ensure they had not been duped.
The clear word here is ?some could be?. Take a break guys, this a highly damaging story to Track IT a s a business entity that should not be left to speculation of ?some could be!? If for sure some were without the tracking gadgets then expect the owners who flocked the Track IT offices to say so as soon as possible.
Now the notion most Kenyan have about the Kenyans of the Indian origin or wahindi is that some of them have involved themselves in major scams or grand corruption. You remember Kamlesh Patni of the Golden Berg fame. How about the story of Yagnesh Devan and Triton oil Scandal! From that you get instant reaction of normal Kenyans when a sensational fraud case is earthed and it involves a muhindi. It is simple guilty as charged and they don?t want to know more about it.
The story moves away from Shehzad Tejani and his Track IT Company to the laxity of the police in covering our boarders and road blocks patrols. Here I must say kudos to KTN from bringing out this clearly, something which should be of a greater concern to Kenyan Government and urgent reform is needed within the police force.
In business competitions, there really is no clear winner until one company has a monopoly. Usually, the competition between companies is to see who has the greatest market share. Dirty business consists of preventing the competition from doing business at all or by harming their ability such that they are no longer a threat. The commonly used methods are:
History is filled with stories of sabotage as a dirty trick some companies use to crippled the ability of the competitors. For example in 1962 the Studebaker Avanti automobile was introduced as a competitor to the Chevrolet Corvette. Unfortunately, they soon ran into serious production problems, because their fiberglass body was being made by the same company that made the Corvette’s body. Rumors were that Chevrolet pressured the fiberglass company, resulting in hurting the production of the Avanti automobiles. Studebaker was forced to cease production of the car in 1963.
While others use threats in extreme cases and even to make effort to prevent workers from showing up on the job.
We seen nasty business completion tactics and strategies going on in Kenya before, like that one between Zain and Safaricom, more so on the early days when Zain was still Kencel, but this one could be the nastiest ever.
Good point! Thanks!