Love your mobile phone but beware of Communifakers

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Cheating Lots

It is great to own a mobile phone, it is the greatest communication tool ever but the downsides of the mobile phones are proving a hard nut to crack. There are many blatant misuse of mobile phones like when people out rightly lie about their whereabouts. Many of you have seen or heard a fellow talking along Nairobi street on the phone claiming to be in Mombasa.

Many a time relationships get into rocky patches because of simple text messages or unexplained phone calls. On occasion, you notice your partner whispering into the phone. He/she may look alarmed when he sees you observing him/her and may hang up suddenly. Well I am not expert on this and i will not tell you what to do when you see such signs.

Text Messaging

Text Messaging


And now we have th most annoying lots, the communifakers. People pretend do be busy communicating while the truth is there is nobody on the other end, they could simply be avoiding you or showing off their mobile phones.

According to a research from British mobile operator 3, reported in Technology segment, the chronic number of communifakers is appalling. The deceit is particularly used — or abused — by younger people. It found that 74 percent of people between the ages of 18 and 24 admit to communifaking. But it is widespread among the general population with 42 percent of women and 32 percent of men conceding they fake phone calls. The most common reason, the study says, is that it’s something to do while waiting for friends. But using the phone to avoid speaking with someone is the second most popular reason for some more merciless communifakers.

Might be communifaking

Might be communifaking

fuel exam cheating rise

In the last couple of years, there have been steep rise of exams irregularity but the use of mobile phones has taken this a notch higher. Last year it was reported on the Standard website that Telephone conversations and text messages related to last year’s national examinations would be tracked and their originators arrested if found to have flouted exam rules. Contents of the messages would be analyzed by a team of senior security agents drawn from the CID, as the Kenya National Examinations Council (Knec) reins in exam cheats. So far i have not heard anyone who was arrested and that could possibly means that nobody cheated in the last year examinations. Now we are waited with baited breath to see if all the KCSE candidates will receive their results, because that would be a milestone

Consuming Sports

In December 2006, Indian chess player Umakant Sharma was banned for 10 years by the All Indian Chess Federation for using a bluetooth headset sewn into a cap to get help from a computer. Sharma’s friends relayed moves made by a computer programme to him through the Bluetooth set.

The mobile phone is a wonderful thing with the power to change lives – but there will always be a downside.

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